Instructions for Submitting Your 6-Square Art
The 6-Square Exhibit and Sale, also known as the “6-Square Jam,” is an annual fundraiser for WVRA (Westville Village Renaissance Alliance) and is coming to Westville as part of ArtWalk 2024.
This is a community-wide, all-inclusive art show in which everyone, no matter your level of artistic skill, is invited and welcome to participate. Explore your creativity, make art and, most of all, have fun.
All artwork submitted in accordance with the simple 6-Square guidelines will be displayed and available for sale. Art is displayed anonymously and every piece is sold for the same price -- $20.
And unlike many other events of this type, it’s 100% FREE to enter!
Submitted artworks are considered donations to WVRA. Proceeds from the sale go directly to WVRA. Unsold artwork becomes the property of WVRA and may be used for other events, purposes and sales at WVRA’s discretion.
Being a Part of the 6-Square Jam Is As Easy As 1-2-3
1. Create your art
Use whatever medium you like (but no glitter, please – it’s too messy!). It can be any subject you like, abstract, realistic, comic, photographic – anything!
The only requirement is the size: Each piece must be 6 inches by 6 inches square (exactly 6”x6”) and no more than 2 inches in depth.
If you’re using charcoal, pastels or pencil, finish it off with a fixative.
On the back of your art:
· Indicate the top of your art with a “T” so it will be displayed correctly
· If you want to sign your art, sign it only on the back, near the bottom
Each person may submit up to 6 pieces of art. (No duplicate prints, please — each 6-Square piece of art is its own “unique, one-of-a-kind masterpiece.”)
Group Submissions
We welcome submissions from schools, clubs, etc. with the following additional guidelines:
· Maximum 30 submissions from any one group; each artwork must be accompanied by an entry form
· No more than 10 submissions of any one subject (bowl of fruit, specific animal study, etc.)
· Artists who are members of a group may also submit pieces as individuals, up to the total maximum of 6 pieces
· Group art should be delivered in a single package; include the name of the group with the name, phone number and email of the group’s contact person
2. Submit your art by the deadline: April 1-30, 2024
Submitting your artwork is pretty easy, too. It just takes 2 steps:
First, download the entry form from and fill it out. You will need to submit a separate entry form with each piece of art (Printer issues? Entry forms are available next to the drop-off bin!).
Second, get your art to us. You can mail in your art or drop it off:
Mail to:
WVRA 6-Square Jam
c/o D. Petrie
582 Central Ave.
New Haven, CT 06515
(Don’t forget to enclose your entry forms)
Drop-off Dates and Times:
April 1 through April 30, from 7am to 8 pm daily
Drop-off Location:
582 Central Ave. (between Fountain and Willard)
New Haven, CT 06515
Drop-off bin will be on the porch. Please place artwork(s) and form(s) carefully in the bin.
3. Enjoy the show
Come down to ArtWalk 2024 in the Westville neighborhood of New Haven, CT. Visit the 6-Square exhibit and sale at The Frame Shop and DaSilva Gallery, 897-899 Whalley Avenue, plus all of the other activities that ArtWalk has to offer. You will also find the 6-Square Jam online at
(If you have any questions please contact David Petrie:, subject line: 6-Square or call 585-208-1285 and leave a message.)