The Giant Puppet and People Making Mayhem Parade is happening this year! AND, this year, it falls ON Halloween! The GP+PMMParade will be on Sunday, October 31 and it steps off at 11am. Do you want to build a new puppet for the parade? We certainly hope so. This year, everyone is to pre-build their giant puppet’s structure in their own homes and then we will get together on the Central Patio to do the messy parts. Every person participating is responsible for cleaning up their workstations and helping to move their wet puppets to storage TBD.
Gather your puppet building Materials at the Westville Arts Market
Sunday, October 3: pick up materials you need at the WAM on the Central Patio. Look for the WVRA table and puppet supplies.
Take home Giant Puppet building supplies and instructional sheets to build a base or structure for your own Giant Puppet!
The following materials will be ready for you to take home: examples of puppets to construct, bamboo poles, balloons, cardboard, masking tape, newspaper for wadding up and building puppet features such as noses, eyes, fangs, ears, whatever shapes your creature needs!
Pre-build your puppet:
October 3-October 22:
At home, using any of the above gathered materials, combined with whatever lightweight recyclables you find around your home, create a puppet base that is paper mache ready! Or, build a puppet that doesn’t require paper mache if you prefer. Plan some family/friend time and space to enjoy getting creative together! Additional supplies you may need from home to build a puppet base: scissors or retractable cardboard cutting tools, duct tape, cable ties, staples, an adult to wield said cutting tools.
Paper Mache Weekend: (these are the only days Paper Mache will be available)
Saturday, October 23: bring your creation to the Central Patio from 10-3pm to add papier mache*
Sunday, October 24: bring your creation to the Central Patio from 10-3pm to add papier mache*
Embellish with Relish:
Saturday, October 30: Use paint, hot glue, fabrics and whatever you find in our supplies or anything you bring from home to add all the flourishes and finishing touches to your creation*
*Work with GP+PMMP helpers to move your in-process puppets to the designated storage area.