Gershwin-Swift Legacy Soars Back To Life
Submitted by noe on

February 11, 2016, by David Sepulveda - "Westville’s Lyric Hall will stage a world premiere Friday, as literature, music and history come together to celebrate the legacy of Broadway composers George Gershwin and Kay Swift in “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off,” a theatrical concert that will highlight composer George Gershwin’s romance with Broadway composerKay Swift and some of the landmark musical hits they produced. The Great American Songbook, a canon of important American standards of the early 20th century, invariably lists George Gershwin as among the most influential composers of the era. Breaking a glass ceiling for women at the time was Kay Swift, who composed and arranged a number of important Broadway hits in what was widely understood to be a male-dominated profession. The two apparently shared more than beautiful music together, as recounted inThe Memory of All That: George Gershwin, Kay Swift, and My Family’s Legacy of Infidelities, a memoir by author and Bethany resident, Katharine Weber, the grand daughter of Kay Swift. The story and its history of romantic triangulation will be touched upon though the performance’s music. It is told in much greater depth in Weber’s book, copies of which will be signed, sold and donated as a benefit for Lyric Hall..."
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