Friday | August 10, 2018

August 9, 2018, by E. A. Mcmullen-"A woman undergoing treatment for cancer strives to connect with her young daughter, even as she seems to be developing a new friendship at her chemo sessions. A middle-aged daughter tries to help her mother, who is suffering from dementia, deal with her impending eviction. A young man going out to buy condoms instead ends up part of the search for a lost car. Three local writers - Jennifer Hudson, Susan Nathiel, and Charles Rafferty - shared these stories with a curious crowd at Lotta Studio on Tuesday at Local Lit at Lotta.

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August 10, 2018, by E. A. Mcmullen- "A burnished ornate candle holder stands beside a small Buddha balanced on a saffron paperback titled Love. Behind it, a vase erupts with gentle orange tulips. A plastic orange basket supports a slab of hardwood with a small painted alligator's head. More pensive paperbacks share a plastic orange cutting board with another case of tulips, copper cups, an orange, and a candle.

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