Lawns Transformed Into Sculpture Galleries
Submitted by tracie on

On the front lawn of the Marvelwood Drive home of Ted Baldwin and Barbara Geller, a young giraffe stretches for food. Nearby, its towering parent surveys the landscape.A stork cackles while a giant black spider meanders through the low-growing, bamboo-like grass. All are neighbors in the Baldwins' free-range residential paradise. Some homeowners adorn their lawns with inflatable Santas, wicker deer, and other holiday displays. In the spring, others put out whirligigs or garden gnomes. A few, however, defy the status quo. Their yards are year-round outdoor galleries, showplaces for the art they create, or just love to collect. For some outdoor gallerists, showing their art is a means of communicating and creating interest for neighbors and passersby. For others, showing their art makes sense for practical as well as aesthetic reasons..."
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