Thursday | January 26, 2017

January 25, 2017, by Thomas Breen- "David Moser offered a simple choice to the group of skaters and bikers and rollerbladers gathered in a circle before him Tuesday night: “Concrete vs. asphalt.” “How critical is that difference?” the city’s landscape architect asked, flipping through his notes on the ideal design of an urban skate park. “Very!” Nearly everyone in the room shouted at once, voicing their unanimous support for concrete. “The foundation of a skate park is the most important part to get right,” one skater said.

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Thursday | January 12, 2017

January 11, 2017, by Sorrel Westbrook- "On Instagram feeds and Pinterest boards, a new old way of accessorizing is popular again. Pins and patches—colorful, often irreverent pieces of flair that were, until recently, considered passé and perhaps a little dweebish—are back, and a storefront in the Westville neighborhood is the trend’s local standard-bearer. “I feel weird saying we helped pioneer it, or that we’re at the forefront of it,” Alex Dakoulas says. “But some people have said that. So that’s flattering.

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