Skateboarders Brainstorm On Coogan 2.0
Submitted by noe on

January 25, 2017, by Thomas Breen- "David Moser offered a simple choice to the group of skaters and bikers and rollerbladers gathered in a circle before him Tuesday night: “Concrete vs. asphalt.” “How critical is that difference?” the city’s landscape architect asked, flipping through his notes on the ideal design of an urban skate park. “Very!” Nearly everyone in the room shouted at once, voicing their unanimous support for concrete. “The foundation of a skate park is the most important part to get right,” one skater said. “Falling on asphalt is like falling on sandpaper,” another chimed in. “It’s the difference between playing soccer on grass and playing soccer on dirt.” Such was the detailed and passionate and informed conversation that took place at the Coogan Pavilion in Edgewood Park on Tuesday night, where city parks director Becky Bombero and members of her staff hosted a lively hour-and-a-half brainstorming session on how best to redesign the Edgewood Skate Park..."
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