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January 11, 2017, by Sorrel Westbrook- "On Instagram feeds and Pinterest boards, a new old way of accessorizing is popular again. Pins and patches—colorful, often irreverent pieces of flair that were, until recently, considered passé and perhaps a little dweebish—are back, and a storefront in the Westville neighborhood is the trend’s local standard-bearer. “I feel weird saying we helped pioneer it, or that we’re at the forefront of it,” Alex Dakoulas says. “But some people have said that. So that’s flattering. That’s cool.” Dakoulas, who worked at Converse and Puma in the past and started his own now-defunct clothing line Dance Party Massacre, founded Strange Ways two years ago as an online store. A little over a year ago, he opened the storefront on Whalley Avenue in Westville. The small shop—which has been pinged b GQ, Seventeen and Harper’s Bazaar—is brightly lit, tidy and packed to its gills with small pieces of humor and art. There are patches and pins, of course, but also jewelry, art prints, retro candy, zines, vintage clothing, stickers, hats, magnets and soft drinks, from the New Britain mainstay Avery’s. Dakoulas says he is committed to showcasing independent artists and designs, and the result is an eclectic collection of unusual and charming products..." Click HERE to comment and read full article.
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