19th annual Westville ArtWalk celebrates creativity in New Haven
Submitted by noe on

May 5, 2016, By Joe Amarante -"Amid spring’s greening and warming (at some point, anyway) comes Westville Village ArtWalk. The 19th annual event kicks off at 5 p.m. Friday and runs from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday in the three blocks in historic Westville Village and Edgewood Park. There could be a shower or two during the weekend, but compared to this cloudy/rainy week, the weather may actually be looking up. ArtWalk celebrates creativity in the community, and about 10,000 students, artists, family members and performers apparently agree as they join in at restaurants, merchants and galleries — or dancing in the street. Oh, and there’s a “yarn bomb” to enjoy..."
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