Recently Restored Lyric Theatre in New Haven Presents Evening of Plays by Connecticutt Playwrights
Submitted by noe on

"Long-time professional acting duo, Allan Zeller and Kimberly Squires of Milford, will perform their two-person show: "Zeller & Squires - Delightful Differences: An Evening of One-Act Plays" at the historical and beautiful Lyric Hall in New Haven, CT. Opening weekend is Oct. 14 & 15 at 8pm,which will be followed by two weekends on November 4 & 5 and 11 & 12.The husband and wife team will take on a total of 9 plays, 18 characters and multiple costume changes.... all, in less than 2 hours! The evening will be presented in the popular Cabaret-style seating with refreshment and snacks available for purchase.The plays feature the comedic and dramatic works of award-winning Connecticut playwrights; Susan Cinoman, Drew Denbaum, Rosemary Foley, Jim Gordon, Elizabeth Keyser and Fredrick Stroppel of New York. The evening was developed at the Theatre Artists Workshop in Norwalk, Ct..." Click HERE to comment and read full article.
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