Fall in Westville

Ribbon Cut At Chapel Haven Welcome Center

February 5, 2018, by Markeshia Ricks- "The first glimpse of Chapel Haven’s expansion of its Westville home was a little hard to see during a Friday afternoon ribbon-cutting. There were so many people crammed into Chapel Haven’s new welcome center that the many supporters and well-wishers gathered could hardly get a look at the new fireplace, or check out much of the art created by the community members who lived there. But the tight quarters didn’t dampen anyone’s spirit as hot cocoa and cookies flowed. Because everyone was there to celebrate a milestone. The new welcome center is the first sign that the campus expansion — a first in the 45-year history of the agency, which houses and runs programs for adults with disabilities — had gone from a plan to a reality Andrew Auerbach, who served as the day’s emcee, came to the Residential Education At Chapel Haven (REACH) program back in 1977 from New York City to learn to live independently, he said. “Today, I have an amazing life,” he said. He works three days a week at the Yale Child Study Center and volunteers on Friday at City Hall with City Disability Services Director Michelle Duprey. He’s also active in several Chapel Haven recreational programs including a theater group. "I have my own apartment here in Westville,” the Chapel Haven ambassador said proudly. “I cook, travel independently, drive and have a great social life with all my friends. This new welcome center is where I will be now to help out in greeting perspective new families...” 

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