Sneak Peak Reveals Spicy “Garage”
Submitted by noe on

September 24, 2020, by Thomas Breen- "Nearly everyone at the tables around me was well-coiffed, wore stylish, wrinkle-free clothing, and stood up periodically to take pictures of the crowd and close ups of their food. “Are all these people influencers?” someone at a nearby table asked her dining partner. I think by virtue of the fact that I spilled a fair amount of chipotle ketchup on my notepad, I am not an influencer. But I was hungry. And well rewarded. With one fell swoop of a chip, my partner and I were transported — to a Westville just a little bit brighter thanks to the brilliant culinary mind of master chef Arturo Franco-Camacho. Franco-Camacho and his business partners Robert Bolduc and Marc Knight invited a few dozen members of the press to get a socially-distanced taste of Camacho Garage, their new “Mexican street food” restaurant at 36 Fountain St...."Click HERE to comment and read complete article.
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