Elm City Makers Shine At Westville Arts Market
Submitted by noe on

September 16, by Danielle Campbell- "The noontime sun shone brightly as people walked down Whalley Avenue toward the Westville Art Market. On a colorful patio in the middle of Center Street, 13 tents stood waiting for visitors, bathed in midday light and multiple decades of feel-good music. Buckets of flowers peeked out from the street, as if to say hello. Welcome to the Westville Arts Market (W.A.M.), a semi-weekly pop-up meant to support and celebrate homegrown artists in the city’s Westville neighborhood. Last Sunday, it returned for a third iteration on Central Avenue, with goods that ranged from ceramics to jewelry to handmade soap. Bloom, a new lifestyle boutique at Central and Edgewood Avenues, brought flowers and mocktails that turned it into a midday party.It is the brainchild of longtime Westville artists Dooley-O and Kate Stephen, with support from the Westville Village Renaissance Alliance (WVRA). The idea grew out of a friendship among the artists, both of whom have studios nearby at West River Arts. This and next month, the market will hold sessions on Sept. 26 and October 3..."
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