Submitted by noe on

May 12, 2015, The New Haven Independent, by David Sepulveda - There was a buzz in the air. Visitors were coming, lots of them. Like a family hosting out-of-town guests, Westville’s community engine of businesses, residents, and volunteers revved up to roll out the neighborhood’s annual Artwalk festival, held over Mother’s Day weekend. In the opening hours of the festival, energetic children took to the soft bed of mulch that had been spread over an empty sand lot where Delaney’s Restaurant once stood. Memories of what once was were not lost among those in line to register for the Beer Garden at Artwalk 18, a new feature organized by Saravah Swati. Even as hope for a resurrected Delaney’s began to fade, Neville Wisdom Fashion (NW) and Alisa’s House of Salsa, businesses with longstanding footprints in downtown New Haven, arrived in the neighborhood. Alisa’s House of Salsa, which will have its grand opening on May 23, gave a Latin dance clinic, a small sample of what the business will offer. Helping build on the synergy and optimism percolating in Westville Village was videographer Travis Carbonella, a new addition to the ArtloW (Art lofts West) artists’ group that leads the Permission to Fail open mic series and who was on hand to capture scenes of the festival, editing and posting to social media within moments of shooting.
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