Lights, Tarp...Movies!
Submitted by noe on

June 3, 2015, The New Haven Independent, by Freesia DeNaples - "A crew erected not a tent, but a huge inflatable movie screen in Edgewood Park—in preparation for a summer of “Friday Night Flicks” in parks across town. Martin Torresquintero, outdoor adventure coordinator for the Department of Parks, Recreation and Trees, directed the efforts of the seven-member crew Wednesday in the skating rink outside Edgewood’s Coogan Pavilion. As the screen slowly rose up into the air, one of the crew members noted little kids might want to jump on the base of the screen, which is almost identical to the base of a blow up bounce house. The raising of the screen was a practice run for a series of city-sponsored “Friday Night Flicks” starting this Friday, June 5, at Amrhyn Field at the base of West Rock Park. Each Friday beginning at 8:30 p.m. (excluding July 3), a film will be shown for free in various parks around town. All movies are kid friendly, ranging from classics, like The Goonies and ET, to newer films like Frozen and Big Hero 6. “This is brand new this year,” Torresquintero said as the inflatable screen towered behind him. “This is something that different neighborhoods through the management team engage the community with...”
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