Artist Amie Ziner Covers All The Bases
Submitted by noe on

September 22, 2015, The New Haven independent, by David Sepulveda - “Sketchbooks are a companion to me,” said artist Amie Ziner. “I always have a sketchbook with me.” Light streamed through the windows of Ziner’s dining room, illuminating the artifacts, handcrafts, and artwork that enliven her arts-infused life. Of special note were the stacks of small sketchbooks she has been filling for the better part of four decades — elements of which are now on display for a limited, one-week exhibition at 101 Threads, the gallery at 118 Court St.. The show opened on Sept. 19 and will move a few streets over to The Happiness Lab, at 756 Chapel St., at the end of the week. Although the bound volumes contain sketches, many composed of typical, multiple-view studies, they also contain finely elaborated paintings, renderings, and multimedia musings, evidence of the skilled hand of someone not only making art, but living it. Along with samples of her actual sketchbooks are two 3’ x 10’ murals with images culled and reproduced from those sketchbooks. They are dense montages that reveal only an aspect of Ziner’s creative output...
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