CVS Corner Compromise Advances
Submitted by noe on

February 11, 2016, by Aliyya Swaby - "CVS got over one of the first hurdles to setting up a new store on the corner of Whalley Avenue and Dayton Street, with City Hall finally on board for the ride. After almost a year of debate among developers, neighbors and City Hall, the planned new store — a block away from an existing store to be closed in Upper Westville — received positive reviews from all three sides Tuesday night at a Board of Zoning Appeals public hearing at 200 Orange St. Developers from Arista Development LLC are seeking a special exception to allow 70 on-site parking spaces where 133 are required for a retail store and to allow transition parking in a residential district. The city administration had pushed the developer to redesign the store to bring the building closer to the street and overall fit in more with an urban landscape rather than mimic a suburban strip-mall outlet. Zoning commissioners closed the public hearing and did not vote on the matter Tuesday. The project will go to City Plan this month before returning to the BZA for the vote next month. These buildings are set to come down. The 13,294 square-foot pharmacy with a drive-through window would encompass 1.6 acres at 39, 43, and 47 Dayton St. as well as 1122, 1130, 1136,1144, 1146 and 1150 Whalley Ave. Several existing buildings would come down, including a corner liquor store..."
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