Alders OK SRO Halt, Westville Zone Change
Submitted by noe on

June 5, 2018, by Markeshia Ricks- "Were they voting to save SROs? Or preventing them from being built? Downtown Alder Abby Roth asked colleagues that question during debates over two bills that became law Monday night. In a 23 to 4 vote, the Board of Alders approved a zoning ordinance text amendment that will put a six to nine-month moratorium on converting single room occupancy (SRO) facilities into market-rate housing or lodging. The goal: Preserve that kind of affordable housing. Then in a separate unanimous vote, alders turned approved a the creation of a new zone for commercial Westville Village that allows more density and a greater mix of uses. But that greater mix does not include any possibility of adding more SROs..."
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