Fall in Westville

Allison Haines, Chapel Haven client, scores another milestone

October 4, 2015, 2015, by Pam McGloughlin -"As far as Allison Haines is concerned, there’s only one thing that separates her from most people: “an extra chromosome,” as she casually puts it. To most people that’s called Down syndrome, but Haines, 30, doesn’t dwell on that, as she’s too busy achieving and working toward her next goal. “I love my life. I grew up like a normal girl… To tell you the truth, I don’t think of myself as a disabled person,” Haines said. “I try hard to stand up for myself.” She recently hit another milestone by competing in Chapel Haven’s first annual golf classic — her first golf tournament ever and a benefit for her school, Chapel Haven. She was the only student or community member to participate in the tournament. “We were really thrilled when she stepped up and asked if she could golf… That’s what the tournament is about, shining the light on our adults,” said Catherine Sullivan-DeCarlo, Chapel Haven’s vice-president of admissions and marketing. DeCarlo said Haines is gifted in many fields and “surprises us every day with her accomplishments.” Haines, a Yale Book Store employee, volunteer Reiki therapist at Yale New Haven Hospital, avid skier, photographer, figure skater and recreational golfer, really upped her game at the golf tournament..."

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