Author "Sees Color" of Racism
Submitted by noe on

February 26, 2016, by David Sepulveda -“I write for whites. Black people already know the problem,” states New Haven author and attorney Robert L. Pellegrino in the introduction of his self-published new book, I See Color: Identifying, Understanding and Reducing Our Hidden Racism. Long Wharf’s Elizabeth Nearing moderates discussion. A standing-room-only event that included the reading of a scene from Emily Mann’s Having Our Say, the latest Long Wharf production, and featuring readings from Pellegrino’s book, was held this past Saturday at Westville’s Mitchell Library. The readings were followed by a dynamic discussion moderated by Ann Green, Community Ambassador of the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation (RWJF), as audience members responded to one of the most topical and controversial issues of our time — racism, and what to do about it..."
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