Fall in Westville

Tuesday | January 5, 2016

January 5, 2016, The New Haven Independent, by David Sepulveda - "Even when the sun is not shining, there are shadows: Wheels, spokes, and unmistakable shapes of bike frames seem to be cast by colorful light stretched across the sidewalk just outside Westville’s Manjares Restaurant. They’ve inspired many a double-take at the base of a yarn-bombed, U-style bike rack — especially when no bikes are parked.The sidewalk painting is the creation of Artist Violet Harlow.

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Friday | December 18, 2015

December 18, 2015, The Daily Nutmeg, by Dan Mims - "Next to a sideways stack of records is a record player. It’s not the very old kind, but it’s still pretty old, but it’s newer than many of those records.

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December 17, 2015, The New Haven Independent, by Allan Appel - "Starting today you can not only charge those holiday presents at the boutiques in Westville Village—you can charge your car, too. On Wednesday afternoon, state Commissioner of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection chief Rob Klee, city traffic czar Doug Hausladen, and others in the city’s green brain trust gathered at the Park New Haven Whalley-Blake Parking Lot to inaugurate the city’s newest EV or electric vehicle charging station.

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December 14, 2015, The New Haven Independent, by Staff - On the eighth night of Hanukkah, when it appeared that no new surprises could be found on this miracle-themed holiday, this picture materialized.In the days of the Maccabees—or even five years ago—no one would have thought such a miracle would be possible. Call it a miracle of technology. The photo was shot from the sky of a celebration that took place Sunday night in Westville Village.

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December 15, 2015, The New Haven Independent, by David Sepulveda - "To the extent that Cyclo-cross racers live to race in challenging conditions, Sunday’s 2015 Elm City CX Finale race at Edgewood Park, could not have been more different from last year’s inaugural race, when snow squalls covered trails and riders reveled in the extra challenging conditions. While Sunday’s spring-like temperatures were well-su

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Tuesday | December 15, 2015

December 14, 2015, The New Haven Independent, by Lucy Gellman - "The first time artist Scott Schuldt looked at the words of Ben Klassen, founder of the white supremacist World Church of the Creator and a believer in race-based eugenics, he could hardly stomach what he was reading. Vitriol sprawled across the page, glorifying 20th-century lynchings and the barbecue-like gatherings of white townspeople who came out to watch.

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Wednesday | December 9, 2015

December 8, 2015, The New Haven Independent, by Lucy Gellman - "Before his choice to leave the New York gallery scene for timid one in New Haven, before he purchased the Frame Shop in 2002 to turn it into The Frame Shop & Westville Gallery, and certainly before he was informally crowned the unofficial “mayor of Westville,” Gabriel Da Silva was a 17 year-old Uruguayan immigrant working odd jobs in New Haven to “make ends meet” as he, his parents and three siblings sought to put a lif

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Monday | December 7, 2015

The New Haven Independent, by David Sepulveda "A night of synergy, community spirit and open house events, greeted those who came out for Westville Village’s annual holiday tree lighting. Those working behind the scenes to make it all happen, wouldn’t call themselves elves, but ….Switching on the holiday tree lights before an anticipation-filled, record crowd was the easy part of Westville Village Renaissance Alliance’s (WVRA) efforts to promote community and commerce last Friday evening.

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Wednesday | November 25, 2015

[New Haven Independent, by David Sepulveda - written by David Sepulveda]
Socializinng at Manjares

Sitting at a quiet table in Westville’s Manjares Cafe, architect Eric Epstein found the perfect prescription for his long day of demolition work and fierce hunger in a hearty bowl of sancocho moca — a corn on the cob stew of plantain, yucca, chicken, beef, pork, and mixed vegetables, into which he toppled a scoop of fluffy white rice.

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[New Haven Independent, by Lucy Gellman - written by Lucy Gellman]
Neville in his Westville Studio

November 18, 2015 - Neville Wisdom had done it hundreds of times, the steps running on loop through his head. A clean cut through skin and muscle would expose the skull. Four tiny burr holes would come next, helping to create a white window of bone. Working together the two would isolate the bulging, bobbing aneurysm, a ticking time bomb.

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