Beer Label Artists Take Center Stage at New Haven’s Kehler Liddell Gallery
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June 19, 2018, by Erik Ofgang- "When AJ Keirans talks about the “art” of craft beer, he’s not talking about the skill that went into making a specific brew — he means it literally. Keirans, of Shelton, is the host of The 16oz. Canvas, a podcast dedicated to championing the work of the artists who create the increasingly elaborate beer labels on popular craft beer cans. “We always say that these are the artists and designers that bring your favorite beers and breweries to life,” Keirans says. The podcast is hosting its first show dedicated to these artists, The Art of Craft Beer, at the Kehler Liddell Gallery in New Haven from July 14-29. The show will feature at least nine artists (more may be added after this article goes to print). Participating artists include Craig Gilbert from New England Brewing Co. in Woodbridge and Lisa Sotero from Stony Creek Brewery in Branford, as well as artists working with breweries outside Connecticut including Dean McKeever from Tree House Brewing Co. in Massachusetts, Jess Graham from The Alchemist in Vermont and Kevin Cimo from Trillium Brewing Co. in Massachusetts..."
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