Beetles Swarm Peobody Museum
Submitted by noe on

June 5, 2017, The New Haven Independent, by Brian Slattery- "The Peabody Museum’s latest exhibit — the opening of which drew an overflow crowd to the third floor — combines powerful two and three dimensional artworks that will forever change your perception of beetles. Yes, beetles, those small flying and crawling insects many of us commonly, if not mistakenly, call bugs. New Haven sculptor Gar Waterman has been imbuing small creatures and natural forms with heroic stature for decades. Together with photographer William Guth, the artists’ intriguing and comparatively monumental forms and images now grace the Peabody’s new exhibit, playfully entitled “Beauty and the Beetle: Coleoptera in Art & Science.” True to the title, actual beetle specimens are strategically placed in the exhibit, allowing viewers to compare forms that are usually the purview of entomologists with the two artists’ creations and interpretations. Waterman, who said he had fun working with the museum’s entomologists and staff on “a most elegant beetle inspired art/science exhibit,” describes the sculpting method used in this exhibit as bricolage (from the French verb “to tinker”) — the construction of a work created with found objects or whatever materials are available..."
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