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August 31, 2016, by Daniel Shkolnik- "After three intense days decorating wedding cakes in her New York City shop, Ana De Los Angeles’s father came to her while she was falling asleep. This didn’t much surprise her, though perhaps it should have. Her father died when she was 13 years old. Exhausted, De Los Angeles asked her father if she’d always be working herself so hard. Her father told her that there would always be work to do-such was life-but one day she wouldn’t be decorating wedding cakes. Instead she’d own a different kind of business. He didn’t tell her what kind exactly but said it would be called manjares, or ambrosia-“the food of the gods.” This bit of magical realism became real when De Los Angeles opened Manjares Bistro in Westville, by the northernmost point of Edgewood Park, and scarcely a few months after she opened, De Los Angeles noticed another bit of magic becoming manifest..."
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