Submitted by tracie on

A "high energy" assistant principal in Fair Haven named Sandra Kalizewski will be crossing town to take the place of a longtime principal in Westville. At its meeting Monday at Hill Regional Career High School, the school board tapped Kalizewski (pictured) to become principal of Mauro-Sheridan Magnet School. Kalizewski replaces Denise Coles-Cross, who is retiring after leading Mauro and Mauro-Sheriden for a whopping 22 years. Coles-Cross (pictured) showed up Monday to support her replacement.
Kalizewski is currently an assistant principal at K-8 Clinton Avenue School in Fair Haven. Before that, she worked for three years as an instructional coach in math, according to a district press release. She has a 6th-year degree from Sacred Heart University and 13 years’ experience in education. She starts her new job on July 1 with a salary of $135,161.
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