Monsters of Design
Submitted by DesignMonsters on

"George Corsillo speaks softly and carries a big stylus. Kickstarting his "forty-something" years in graphic design, Corsillo's "first real job" was a doozy: working in New York for Paul Bacon, "one of the most famous book jacket designers of the 20th century." Voice suffused with awe, he points out that Bacon "did the original covers for Jaws, Catch-22, Shogun, Ragtime;" also Slaughterhouse-Five, Rosemary's Baby and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, plus Joseph Heller's We Bombed in New Haven. He invented "the big-book look," Corsillo says, marked by "little illustration and big type. I was just the mechanical person, but I learned from him how to design book jackets." Explaining the term "mechanical," Susan McCaslin-Corsillo's wife and fellow principal in Westville-based studio Design Monsters, who also worked in mechanicals at the time-says that "before computers, you would have type set by a type house, and then you would cut it out and glue it down into position on a board." Click HERE to read the full article.
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