Submitted by noe on

November 26, 2016, by Luther Turmelle- "If Chip In A Bottle, Darrell Nurse’s foray into selling high-end chocolates, cakes and gift baskets, doesn’t succeed, it won’t be from a lack of trying. Like many entrepreneurs, Nurse works two jobs. He spends mornings working as a physical therapist, visiting patients in their homes, Then, after 2 p.m., he becomes a baker and chocolate maker, working out of his beautifully restored Whalley Avenue storefront. Because of the intricacies of the chocolate he makes, Nurse sometimes spends until after midnight working in the store. And in his spare time, Nurse has built his own website for the business. That has been Nurse’s routine since Oct. 9, when he opened the store. But he leased the space at 837 Whalley Ave. in June and between then and the store’s opening, spent time redoing the interior. “It has been a lot in terms of time,” Nurse said. “It takes three days to get one batch of chocolate done. But the biggest driver for me is realizing the dream of doing my own business..."
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