Regicides Make West Rock Their Stage
Submitted by noe on

August 4, 2022, by Lucy Gellman- "Lou Mangini was on a thin strip of road somewhere in the U.K. Beside him, an officer peppered him with questions. How fast had he been going? Where was he headed? Had he had anything to drink? A few giggles floated through the air, mingling with the scents of hops and summer sweat. As Mangini pressed a finger to his nose, the officer beside him pushed it a step further. “I don’t carry a gun because this is not America,” she declared in a thick, laid-on Cockney accent. Laughter, deeper this time and cut with something bitter, rose into the darkening sky. Humor became a welcome tonic on a recent Saturday night, as the Regicides turned their 446A Blake St. headquarters into an outdoor stage for the third time this summer, and the second in a single week. For the group, a comedy and improv offshoot of A Broken Umbrella Theatre Company, it marks the latest chapter in a years-long journey of finding the laugh lines in a world turned completely on its head. They are, as improv actors who live by the rule of “yes and,” perhaps uniquely suited to do so. The Regicides return to performance Tuesday August 9 at 9 p.m. and again on Saturday August 20 at 8 p.m. at 446A Blake St. Admission is pay what you can...." Click HERE to comment and read full article.
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