Traffic Calming Ahead
Submitted by noe on

April 28, 2016, by Markeshia Ricks- "Westville neighbors saw traffic tamed on Whalley Avenue — in charts. And they heard about how it will soon happen for real. City Engineer Giovanni Zinn and transit chief Doug Hausladen presented the plans Monday night as they tag-teamed a meeting at Mauro-Sheridan School, where they solicited feedback from about 15 neighbors in attendance. Gabriel Da Silva of Da Silva Gallery Custom Framing & Fine Art, poses a question. People speeding down Whalley Avenue, the main thoroughfare through the heart of Westville Village, have long been a concern of neighbors and business owners. A proposed plan long in the works to fix that, which has finally been approved by the state Department of Transportation (DOT), allows the city to install new crosswalks and medians, narrow roads and add visual improvements to the gateways of the village. Those gateways will be prominently established at West Park Avenue and Harrison Street. The bulk of the $560,000 project — about $420,000 — comes from the state. The rest will come from city funds designated for “complete streets” projects. Zinn and Hausladen sought feedback from neighbors because the project could go out for bid as early as next month. The plan does not include two sought-after traffic-calming measures: There will be no improvements to merging traffic where Fountain Street and Whalley Avenue merge. And no bike lanes are planned for this stretch of road — at least not yet..."
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