Submitted by noe on

July 7, 2016, by David Sepulveda- "An unveiling party was held Friday at the mural’s site on Valley and Blake Streets to welcome the 12 by 150-foot-long mural, and to say goodbye to itinerate, international muralist and fine artist Faring Purth, who worked for nearly two weeks under cover of darkness to produce the monumental piece.A group of children skip along the image of an elongated, reclining figure, as if swept up by a magical energy field. The process of discovery leads them past swirling lines trailing from mandala-like starbursts, part of the internal galaxy that animates “Marielle” — as in, the light of Marielle, a new mural and the latest installation in a series of recent public art works commissioned by Westville Village Renaissance Alliance (WVRA). Absent the natural distractions that come with daylight and a busy traffic intersection, and with a parking lot vacated during the overnight hours, the artist was able to spread out, donning her protective respiratory gear — standard equipment among aerosol artists — before launching into an intense work session requiring stamina and sustained focus..." Click HERE to comement and read full article.
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